Pro-Biotic Dredging® for the removal of sludge deposits including how the process works. Discussion of different methods of sludge removal, how to determine your cost of removal and some new and accepted alternatives to mechanical extraction processes. Attendees will learn methods you can use today to improve your ROI in wastewater and water processes.
This session covers how to save municipal waste water system tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in removal costs and will discuss how sludge calculators can help operators determine their sludge levels, including the cost of management of sludge using a financial calculator created to help systems determine their sludge management costs.
Here we introduce microbiology as new and cost effective strategy for removing sludge from wastewater lagoons, ponds, and even fresh water lakes.
Every wastewater facility is facing a growing sludge problem. Whether known or unknown, sludge handling and accumulation are becoming more regulated every year.
In ProBiotic Dredging® operators will learn valuable information about reducing sludge build-up in lagoons and processing plants, along with new proposed monitoring requirements for sludge and how to address the issue before it becomes regulated.
ProBiotic Dredging® will include analytical from wastewater facilities around the country and how wastewater operators have saved as much as $1.2 million in dredging costs.
Along with annual cost savings, operators will learn how to delay or even eliminate some of the cost of expensive retrofits and how to increase the productivity of existing operations.
This presentation will include instruction on how to sludge judge a wastewater lagoon and create a sludge profile.
This class is best paired with ProBiotics for Wastewater, Lagoon Management, Bio-Nutrient Removal, Reducing BOD, Rethinking Treatment Options.
1-2 Hours