Solids Reduction discusses the need to evaluate solid handling and ways to improve solid wasting. Most plants, whether mechanical or lagoon need to improve their wasting and reduce the amount of solids handling.
Rick will cover the need to look at the real cost of handling solids and some of the emerging issues around solids removal including growing restrictions on bio-solid management.
Attendees will gain an understanding of solids handling, different approaches and technologies for managing solids and the cost of handling sludge and solids.
Every wastewater facility is facing a growing sludge problem with sludge handling and accumulation becoming more regulated every year.
In Solids Reduction operators will learn valuable information about reducing sludge build-up in lagoons and wwtp plants, along with new proposed monitoring requirements for sludge and how to address the issue before it becomes regulated.
In Solids Reduction Rick covers how to save municipal waste water system’s budgets by improving wasting and reducing the amount of material that needs to be disposed and hauled. As a part of their business efficiencies, all systems should now be considering solutions for managing solids.
Additionally, some of the biological and chemical reasons for sludge management will be discussed as they relate to nutrient loading, NPDES permits, bio-solids handling, energy costs and budget costs.
The review of emerging issues related to the use of chemicals and biological treatment methods for bio-nutrient removal will be discussed as it relates to permits for solids or wastewater discharging.
This class is best paired with ProBiotics for Wastewater, Lagoon Management, Bio-Nutrient Removal, Reducing BOD, Rethinking Treatment Options.
>1-1 Hour