Goal Focus
Attendees will gain knowledge in soil health related to abatement of sodium from effluent water. Attendees will gain knowledge on programs for treating landscaping where effluent water is being utilized.
We will showcase how effluent water can be used as a way to reduce the cost of produced water, while examining the impact on soils and plants.
In Effluent Water: Mitigating Sodium in Soils, professionals will learn about the environmental impact of using effluent water in reuse programs.
The focus of this program is to review how effluent water can be used as a way to reduce the cost of produced water, while examining the impact on soils and plants.
Rick helps attendees make the connection between reused water and contaminants, where the environmental impact on the soils and the remediation of the soils becomes the next critical issue in treating soils for sodic conditions caused by reuse of effluent water.
Rick provides several examples of how sodium in soils can be remediated. He discusses strategies that have been used to re-enliven the soils approach, making the plants more tolerant of the high sodic conditions caused by use of effluent water.
In Effluent Water: Mitigating Sodium in Soils Rick approaches the conversation from a renewal of soils, showing attendees where effluent water can be a beneficial product, if it is approached as a longer term sustainability question of creating healthier soils for the benefit of healthier plants.
This class is best paired with Bio-Nutrient Removal, Re-thinking Treatment Options, Healthier Soils, Healthier Plants.
1 Hour