Operators and System Managers have shared with Rick their many stories of FOG in their systems. Now, Rick is bringing this first-hand experience to attendees to help share some case studies and stories that help re-weave the value of facing FOG head-on with enthusiasm and a full commitment to FOG programs.
This program will cover the pros and cons of many methods being used today by municipalities around the country to mitigate this difficult operational challenge.
Rick Allen will discuss; why FOG happens, why it is more prevalent in wastewater systems today, the cost of FOG, and many cost effective methods of removal. During this presentation attendees will learn about conventional methods of removal and control, along with new and innovative solutions to mitigate the problem.
This program will cover the pros and cons of many methods being used today by municipalities around the country to mitigate this difficult operational challenge.
Within these operational challenges, Rick will discuss some of the new emerging technologies to address FOG and what your organization needs to know.
Educational case studies and long-term Operational and Maintenance information will be shared to help drive home the cost of FOG.
Rick has been in the ranks of educators helping to inform on pre-treatment protocols and suggestions for how to go about getting a program in place for FOG.
Now he is taking his knowledge to the next level to help operators get with the program with some innovative ideas on small steps and bit approaches that will be needed whether the organization has a jetter truck, requires grease trap maintenance, or just wants to understand the cost of FOG in their communities.
This class is best paired with Pre-Treatment Strategies, Collection System Management, FOG: Mitigating Fats, Oils and Grease.
30 Minutes to1 Hour